
Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Complete the Box Game using Paper and Pencil

Complete the box game is another very popular game played using paper and pencil. This game is played between two players each player can choose his own symbol for this example we have chose Alphabet A for Player 1 and Alphabet B for Player 2.

Rules of the Game

  • First you need to create only dots on the page in the formation of boxes refer below image.
  • Each Player has one turn he or she can only connect two dots using a line in one attempt.
  • An player who closes the completes the box first that box is awarded to him and he can put his mark on the box refer below image player 1 has put alphabet A in his box and Player B has put alphabet B in his box.
  • The Player who has the most boxes is considered as the winner.

Refer below actual image of the Game Played between two Players.

Cross and Circle Game using Paper and Pencil

A Cross X or O Zero Games is very popular in most parts of the world there are two player who can play this game , instead of Cross X or O Zero you can choose any symbol but these two are most famous.

Rules of the Game

  • First you need to draw two vertical & two horizontal lines on the paper.
  • Player one will use X Cross.
  • Player two will use O Circle.
  • A one time each player can put X or O at one place.
  • The Player whose can bring consecutive X or O in all the tree boxes in any direction is a winner refer below image.

Below is an actual image of the Game played between two Players.

Playing Cricket Game on Paper

Playing Cricket Mostly using Pencil and Paper is very popular in South Asian Countries like India , Pakistan , Bangladesh etc.

For Playing this game all you need is a Paper and Pencil and two Personnel.

Rules of the Game is as follows:

  • First you need to draw a circle and pitch on the Paper refer below image.
  • Player 1 will put set the field
  • Player 2 with use his pencil to play shorts by pointing holding pencil from the top and dragging it towards the boundary.
  • There are Rules mutually agreed between players how far is 2 runs , 3 runs and 4 runs , a 6 six run is represented by a more darker line.
  • Once Player One finish , Similarly Player 2 Can Start his Batting using the same method but a new drawing has to be made for that.

Below is an actual image of the Game drawn on Paper